Nuevo proyecto HopUs
Desde Sonicat Systems, buscamos aplicar nuevas #tecnologías en el sector alimentario para mejorar los resultados obtenidos. Esta vez nos acercamos a la industria de la #cerveza.
Semanas atrás visitamos las instalaciones de Cerveseria Matoll, para ver su proceso y conocer de primera mano las necesidades y retos de la industria de la #cervezaartesanal.
Gracias Jordi Segarra de Cerveseria Matoll por recibirnos!
Actividad realizada dentro del proyecto HopUs con el apoyo de ACCIÓ.
Sonicat Systems attends IOT Solutions World Congress
Mark your calendars!
📢We will attend the IOT Solutions World Congress from the 10th to the 12th of May in Barcelona. We will present our intelligent microscope Honey.AI 🔬
🔎 Visit us at Hall 4 – Stand E/521 ⚡
Sonicat Systems attends Alimentaria 2022
Next week visit us at #Alimentaria2022
We will be in Stand 410 with our Honey.AI microscope doing live pollen
analysis and with Liquam our ultrasound technology for food processing.
Come see us!

WEBINAR: Inteligencia artificial para el sector miel
Este 2022 empezamos con un Webinar Gratuito para presentar Honey.AI
Mostraremos el dispositivo y sus componentes.
Explicaremos sus funcionalidades actuales.
Haremos un LIVE DEMO de instalación, preparación de muestra y análisis.
Haremos LIVE DEMO de la plataforma de uso para clientes.
Comentaremos los precios del equipo y su posterior uso.
Resumiremos los nuevos desarrollos en los que estamos trabajando.

Sonicat Systems: Food (tech) Challengers
Durante los últimos 3 meses de 2021, participamos en el Food (tech) Challenge organizado por CNTA.
Gracias Tech Food Magazine por compartir nuestro reto!

Sonicat Systems visita la UAB
El pasado 15 de diciembre, nuestro melisopalinólogo, el Dr. Pau Cardellach, asistió a la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, donde participó como invitado en la clase de prácticas de Botánica Aplicada de 4to año del Grado de Biología.
En la clase mostró algunos de los tipos de polínicos que se encuentran en las mieles a través del microscopio, también enseñó a diferenciar los granos de polen en función de su morfología, tamaño, ornamentaciones y aperturas.
Pau, presentó a los alumnos y profesores nuestro proyecto Honey.AI para mostrar que utilidades puede tener la botánica fuera del ámbito académico y como se puede unir el mundo científico con el empresarial. En esta actividad también participó Punt Informació Aerobiòlogica (PIA).
Con el objetivo de buscar una cadena alimentaria más sostenible y eficiente, con soluciones tecnológicas que puedan generar un impacto en el sector y contribuir a la transformación del mundo agroalimentario, participaremos del programa de aceleración Food (Tech) Challenger organizado por CNTA.
Trabajaremos en la extracción de compuestos de lúpulo con la implementación de la tecnología de ultrasonidos.
EIT Food and Forward Fooding have organized a series of interviews as part of this year’s International Women´s Day.
In this video, our COO and Co-Founder Iratxe Perales talks about the challenges of running a start-up in the food+tech sector and gives some advice from her experience in Sonicat Systems.
Thanks, EIT Food and Forward Fooding for the nice talk. Click below to see the video and do not miss the interviews with other great women in foodtech!

El Referente, en su último informe sobre el ecosistema energético en España, incluye a Sonicat Systems en la categoría de Eficiencia.

Sonicat Systems is now working in a consortium with FISA and Libelum, as part of the project VIDA.
The consortia is composed by Sonicat Systems (foodtech start-up from Spain, expert in food processing), FISA (ultrasonic transducers manufacturer from Italy) and Libelium (IoT devices manufacturer from Spain).
LIQUAM project meets the scope of VIDA challenges by:
1) Including a novel technology for honey processing that reduces energy consumption by 40% compared to BAT,
2) improving the food value chain with nutrients preservation and valorisation in the sugar industry (honey),
3) introducing advanced manufacturing technologies as KET for this purpose.

Sonicat Systems has won the EIT Food Innovation awards in Blbao.
So excited to have won the second prize in the ‘Food Innovation Award’ event. Big thanks to EIT Food for supporting us!!! It has been a great event with a mix of very promising startups.

Sonicat Systems selected for the EIT Food Innovation awards
At Sonicat Systems we are proud to announce that we have been selected as finalists for the EIT Food Innovation awards. The innovation prize is Europe’s largest agrifood startup competition. Estela Pacheco and Iratxe Perales will be attending the pitching competition with LIQUAM at Food Innovation forum on 3rd November.
Join us in Bilbao, Spain! There will be plenty of interesting activities, debates, and lots of networking.

Sonicat Systems selected for the 'Ingenia Startup Food for Life-Spain' awards
Sonicat Systems has been selected as one of the top 8 finalists for the ‘Ingenia Startup Food for Life-Spain’ awards. The winners will be announced next 18th of September by Federación Española de Industrias de Alimentación y Bebidas after pitch competition.

Sonicat Systems awarded with 2 million euros granted by SME Instrument Phase 2
Sonicat Systems has recently been selected as one of the European Top technological SMEs among more than 2,000 aplications submitted. We will receive a grant of 2 million euros, awarded within the SME Instrument Phase 2 of the European Commission. Our team is committed to launching LIQUAM®, the non-thermal alternative to honey pasteurization. Many thanks to all who have supported us!

Empowering Women Innovators: Enhancing Women's Access to Finance
Sonicat Systems has been selected to attend the exclusive pitchig event, dedicated to Women in Tech, by the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot of the European Commission. The event will take place in Brussels on 4 April. We will pitch our LIQUAM® project to top-tier European investors, meet with like-minded women entrepreneurs and investors and discuss how to tackle the financing gap for women entrepreneurs.

InvestEU Matchmaking 2019
Sonicat Systems was invited to the InvestEU Matchmaking 2019, powered by the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) and Seal of Excellence (soE) which took place on 19 March 2019 at Brussels. We had the opportunity to pitch our LIQUAM® project directly to investors.

The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (MINECO from its initials in Spanish) has awarded Sonicat Systems the stamp of Innovative SME, in recognition of our activity of research, development and technological innovation

The European Commission has awarded LIQUAM technology with the Seal of Excellence, a quality label to project proposals submitted in Horion 2020, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme.It recognize the value of the proposal and will help us to find alternative funding. LIQUAM proposal was judged to deserve funding but did not get it due to budget limits.